Practice Quotient, Inc. serves as a bridge between the payor and provider communities. Our clients include general dentist and dental specialty practices across the nation of all sizes, from completely fee-for-service-only to active network participation with every dental plan possible. We work with independent practices, emerging multi-practice entities, and various large ownership entities in the dental space.
Our projects evaluate the merits of the various in-network participation contract options specific to your Practice’s patient acquisition strategy. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.
While our team is comprised of many individuals, both clients and carrier representatives always interact with our firm’s leadership team.
What Sets Practice Quotient Apart
- Proven national track record of profit achievement.
- Decades of insider insurance industry experience.
- Founding Partner has sold millions of dollars in dental premium; built PPO networks in multiple states.
- Professionally Certified in Dental Benefits Administration/Underwriting (DBA), HIPAA/HITECH, Wellness, Professional – Health Insurance Advanced Studies (PHIAS), Consumer Directed Healthcare (CDHP), and Medicare
- Access to information that is unavailable to provider community.
- Comprehensive understanding of all dental benefit plan structures: DHMO, Direct Scheduled Reimbursement, Discount, First Dollar, EPO, Indemnity, Medicare-Advantage, MAC, Membership Programs, and PPO variations.
- Proprietary actuarial data analysis that creates financial transparency for both provider clients and insurance companies to reach mutually beneficial arrangements.
- Member of National Association of Dental Plans (NADP)
- Member of National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU)
- Approved Partner for American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)