DOMA Q2 Meeting
June 11, 2020
Due to COVID-19 and social distancing requirements, we are pleased to offer our Q2 Meeting on June 11 via GoTo Meeting! Mr. Patrick O’Rourke, with Practice Quotient, will host “PPO Trends In or Out of Network & COVID-19 Impact” via GoTo Meeting from 12 Noon to 1:30 PM in the comfort of your home or office. We are excited to be able to offer this high quality CE course via this format.
Registration is REQUIRED to receive the GoTo Meeting invite link. Use the Registration Button above to register TODAY!
PPO Trends In or Out of Network & COVID-19 Impact
Presented by: Patrick O’Rourke, Practice Quotient
Course Description:
Patients with dental insurance have a significantly higher likelihood of accessing oral healthcare (i.e. becoming your patients). Our discussion will begin with overall dental industry impact on the provider community; as well as what changes are currently underway. Additionally, the discussion will address the impacts of COVID-19 on dental offices and the dental insurance industry.
The decision whether or not to become a participating provider for insurance companies is an important component of the practice’s patient acquisition strategy. Choosing the right business partners that will work together with you towards a mutually successful relationship is key. Understanding the process while avoiding contracting pitfalls will prevent costly mistakes and reduce ongoing administrative frustration for the Practice Team.
Course Takeaways:
- Top Dental Insurance Trends in 2020 Impacting New Patients and Practice Revenue.
- Impact of COVID-19 on Dental Practices and Dental Insurances.
- What factors to consider regarding which, if any, networks to participate with.
- Key words and phrases in contract language that may have an adverse financial impact to the practice.
Are the contracted reimbursements fair?
Thank you to our sponsors who help make meetings like these possible!